Stonewall Kickball DC appreciates everyone who chooses to serve as a Captain for their team. It is hard work to keep teams organized and this resource is provided for both new and returning Captains to ensure a consistent member experience across the League.
Taking stewardship of a team is a serious commitment of time and energy and should not be taken lightly. By registering as a team captain, members acknowledge acceptance and understanding of these expectations and requirements and failing to take them seriously may result in being asked to step down from captaining a team.
General Expectations
- Lead by example, abiding by the Captains’ Code of Conduct and all League policies.
- Ensure all your team members are abiding by the Member Code of Conduct and all League policies.
- Attend all Captains’ Meetings or designate a team representative to attend.
- Promote a sense of community within your team, encouraging and supporting all team members to foster and inclusive and unified team.
- Provide ongoing feedback and communicate any issues to the Executive Board.
- Convey key information regarding all games, activities, events, and other League information to your team.
Season Checklist
- Form a leadership group for your team (e.g., Executive Board, Council, etc.). Assign a Co-Captain, Coach, Social Chair, Philanthropy Chair, DEI Chair, and others as needed to ensure the successful running of the team.
- Coordinate your team’s registration process, especially with new players.
- Pick up and distribute the current season’s t-shirts to team members.
- Encourage participation in umpire clinics, fundamentals clinics, league events, and social mixers.
- Write out a kicking order and assign fielding positions for each game.
- Check the game schedule and provide referees for games as assigned.
- Assist your Philanthropy Chair in organizing a team fundraiser and/or team volunteer hours, with approval from the Director of Philanthropy + Community Outreach.
- Provide names of two team players to Conference Leads for All-Stars brunch and game.
- Guide your team through playoffs, explaining tournament structure and providing referees as assigned.